Monday, August 25, 2008

Share Your Stories and Ideas

For the young people (15-25 yrs old): 

Got an inspiring story?  Know someone who is helping make the change? Or maybe you're losing sleep or tearing your hair out because you think people can do better.

Tell us what you care about, what keeps you up at night. Share stories of your projects or those you've been involved with. Share with us how you felt and what you learned. 

Adults (those who didn't meet the age range, above :D): 

What concerns you about the youth? We've received many stories (some of them complaints) about the foibles of today's youth. Or is it really just a generation gap that is widened because of the different, hi-tech world in which they are now growing up? Tell us what you think about today's youth. 

As we Pinoys say, "The more, the many-er." Help enrich The Y Factor by sharing your ideas and stories. You can start by posting a comment here!


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Unknown said...

bluegrey - yes, please. by all means. help us spread the word!